Complaint: Tesco Scratchcard


From 2014:

Dear Sir

I went to your Tesco Express branch on Monday evening just gone to purchase two scratchcards.

However when I got to the till, I was advised that they were already locked up for the evening.

I could perhaps understand if it were 10:55pm however it was 8:30pm.

The store was open for another 2 and a half hours.

I appreciate the efforts of your store to refrain me from gambling, however these were gifts for my housemate and my sister for their birthdays.

Thankfully President Mubarrak at the M&S garage across the road was very keen to serve me and wished me good luck with them.

However one has already lost and if the one for my sister loses, I would like to know how you are going to recompense the forced misfortune upon my housemate and sister, not to mention the inconvenience of having to cross the road an extra occasion.

I await your response.

Good luck.  Or not.


Dear Mr Winfield,

Thank you for contacting us.

I am very sorry that you were unable to purchase the two scratch cards at our Tilehurst Road Express as you had hoped, I understand how frustrated you must have been when you had to purchase them from another store instead.

I have been in touch with *****, the Deputy Manager of the store and she has explained that the scratch cards should be available to purchase up until just before closing time so they often start packing away around 10:40 pm.

As ***** was not working on Monday she is unsure why you were advised that the scratch cards were locked away and unavailable for sale but she has assured me that she will investigate this and the staff who were working on Monday and do everything in her power to stop it from happening again.

Once again I am very sorry that you couldn’t buy your housemate and sister’s birthday presents due to them being locked away but I am confident that this shouldn’t happen again. I hope that your sister’s scratch card is a winner though so good luck!
Thanks again for contacting us and if there is anything else I can do for you, please reply to this email.  Alternatively, you could call us on 0800 505555/0330 123 4055, quoting reference number: 17456488, where my colleagues will also be more than happy to assist.

Kind regards

abc xyz
Tesco Customer Service

