Complaint: Train Delays & Take-Aways
Good afternoon
I was delayed getting back from Leeds to Hull on the evening of Saturday 5th December. I cannot remember the exact amount of time late but it was over an hour.
Firstly the train was around 30 minutes late arriving into Leeds. This meant an extra 30 minutes standing on the platform with drunk football fans.
Then the train set off and I believe the emergency alarm was pulled.
I am rather concerned about the delayed manner in which this was resolved – the amount of time it took for a decision to be made to go back to Leeds was concerning – I do hope the person who fell ill recovered.
Then we eventually made our way to Hull, but by time I arrived in Hull, all of the fish and chip shops were closed.

I don’t often get the chance to visit somewhere like Hull that offers proper fish and chips so I was hugely disappointed. You should see the turgidity on offer in Berkshire that is allegedly fish and chips. Awful. Be thankful if you live up north. Unless you don’t like fish and chips. It is much warmer down here though.
Anyway, I look forward to your response.
Kind regards
James Winfield
By the way, I ended up having southern fried chicken which was actually surprisingly decent.
Customer Relations Team
First TransPennine Express
Reference: xxxxx
Dear Mr Winfield
Thank you for your recent contact regarding the delay to your journey to Hull on 5 December. Your details were passed on to us from Northern Rail. I was very sorry to learn of the circumstances that prompted you to get in touch. Especially considering this delay caused you to miss out on local fish and chips. As a northerner, I can appreciate the frustration this must have caused when looking forward to a traditional northern chip shop dinner.
So that I may investigate this matter further and respond fully to your concerns, I would be most grateful if you would confirm the time of travel. I know you stated in your email to Northern Rail that you could not be specific with the time. If you can provide an approximate time of travel, I can attempt to look in to this for you. Please also forward all relevant journey tickets to me via the freepost address above, quoting case reference: xxxxx at your earliest convenience.
I do hope to hear from you soon, and I also hope that despite the delay, you did eventually get your fish and chips.
Yours sincerely
xxxxx xxxxxxxx
Customer Relations Advisor
Hi xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your response.
I have attached a copy of my ticket.
Looking at the current timetable, so on the assumption that you haven’t changed the timetable since 5th December, it was the 19:39.
I look forward to hearing from you further.
Kind regards
James Winfield
Customer Relations Team
First TransPennine Express
Reference: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear James
Thank you for your further e-mail received on the 12 January 2016, providing the information that was requested by my colleague xxxxxxxxx.
Firstly please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation of our 1939 Leeds to Hull service on the 5 December 2015. Unfortunately another passenger on your train was taken ill and we had to wait for assistance from the emergency services.
We take our duty of care to our customers very seriously and safety is always our first priority so if a customer is ill and requires medical attention we will call ahead to the next station and arrange for emergency services to meet us there. In a more pressing emergency the train will stop where it is and emergency services will be called to attend. We are aware of the impact this has on other passenger’s and I am genuinely sorry for the delay you experienced but we always hope everyone would agree that a medical emergency takes precedence over punctuality.
As such circumstances are clearly outside of the control of the rail industry no direct compensation is due. However, as a gesture of goodwill and more tangible apology for the delay you encountered, I am happy to issue you with Rail Travel Vouchers to the value of £21.10. These are valid for a year and can be used to buy tickets to travel with any UK rail operator, excluding London Underground and Heathrow Express. These will be sent to your postal address.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Yours sincerely
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
Customer Relations Advisor