Complaint: Yoghurt Pots
Hi Sainsbury’s
Long time no speak. Well I did e-mail you some time ago but I never received a response. I had to e-mail directly as the form wasn’t working.
Though that was also a long time ago. Depending on your definition of long. And depending on your definition of time.
A long time ago, you changed your yoghurt pots. I’m talking the excellent value 6x small yoghurt packs that retail for £1.10.
Gone was the strong and stable pot, in came the weak and wobbly pot.

It really is quite a flimsy design. 5 times now I have had yoghurt leakage on the way to work. Thankfully I am wise enough to wrap the yoghurts in a plastic bag – however this does mean that I have now lost 5 bags for life with untimely yoghurt-based deaths.
This Monday was the worst spillage of all, though I’m sure you’ll be fractionally contended to hear that it was in a Morrison’s bag. Don’t judge me – I was unemployed for a while, I had to do some regretful things to get by.
And when one has yoghurt on the mind, one needs a yoghurt. And without wanting to feed the rest of my office, I had to buy a single yoghurt from M&S. 89p that cost me. WTF? Gooseberry and elderflower though…hmmm M&S food.
Ooops, sorry. Well no I’m not sorry. Sort your damn cheap, flimsy yoghurt pots out before I set Theresa May onto you.
ps I still love you. x
Dear James
Thank you for getting in contact with us.
I’m disappointed that due to the new packaging of our yoghurts, this has resulted in a number of yoghurt fatalities. I can certainly understand your concern, especially as you didn’t experience these disasters before.
I’m sorry that this has happened, and that you then had to shop elsewhere. However, desperate times call for desperate measures when you’ve yoghurt on your mind.
I’ve logged your feedback regarding the packaging of the yoghurts, and let’s hope that in the near future the original packaging comes back to save the yoghurt lives.
I’ve sent you an evoucher cover the cost of the yoghurts. The value of the evoucher is £5 and the code is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This is valid for 2 years, so there’s plenty of time to use it.
We appreciate the time you’ve taken to contact us and we look forward to seeing you online again soon.
Kind regards