Detox Is Over
So it finishes. 3 months without alcohol. Finished already.
I almost feel a little sad about it. It’s like the end of a holiday. I expected to jump up and down in excitement about the upcoming retoxification, but nah. I feel very nonplussed about it.
My 3 month detox was on doctor’s advice. There is nothing wrong with my liver per se, but it needed a reduction of the fat content otherwise there was a good chance that there would become a problem.
I’ve had my blood test today and now await the results. Hopefully the doctor will say “party on”, or words to that effect. Though the other realistic possibility will be that he says that it hasn’t improved as much as he expected and I need another 3 months off…I cannot see that being the case but worth being mentally prepared for.
Going out and not drinking isn’t particularly easy, especially in the evening or when there is loud music. For a Sunday roast, which seems to be the majority of my socialising now, I’m not that bothered. Sure it is nice to have a glass of red with a nice roast, but I can take it or leave it.
I’m also not bothered about having a drink at the end of the working week – I was always quite happy just to go home. A few years ago I had to have a drink on a Friday. A few years before that I had to be fucked off my face as soon as humanly possible come the end of the working week (or quite often the Thursday night as I just couldn’t wait).
Which shows that I have gone from being pretty needy of alcohol some years ago, to not that bothered now. At least in terms of need.
But I miss the feeling. I miss the taste – a good pint of beer tastes so much better than a pint of apple juice, no matter how refreshing apple juice can be on occasion…like after a really heavy session.
Even more than that, I missed sausage rolls. And bacon sandwiches. And chorizo…I could labour the point but I think you understand. I was also advised to cut down red meat, if possible. Which I did – bar roast dinners. And boy, the amount of times, especially at first, when I craved a sausage roll.
Believe it or not, I lost some weight. Around 6kg from my peak in the new year. I was aiming for 9kg, but I guess that was quite ambitious.
I did a lot of admin. Sorting out music, going through piles of paperwork, clearing up old e-mails, fixing things on my blogs and websites that have been on my to-do list for over a year.
I saved money. Well, I paid off my overspending from December, paid for a holiday that I’ve agreed to go on but wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise, and bought a new phone outright.
I also got my first full-on website client, and produced a website for him. Just waiting for his hosting company to pull their fingers out of their backside and fix a technical issue with my client’s account and it will be live.
Shit got done these last 3 months.
I was almost exactly as happy. I keep a count of my happiness rating every day, and averaged 5.003571 for March this year compared to 4.992857 for March last year (when I was drinking).
And I have been told that I look brighter. I was hoping that I’d feel 21 again, but alas, I don’t. I still get tired at times, especially if I have been consuming caffeine.
So, as it is my first post-detox evening so what am I drinking?
Summer fruits squash. As normal.
I had a sausage roll for lunch to celebrate, just a cheap Sainsburys one and I cannot say it was that good. I would have enjoyed a salad more.

And now I have just cooked myself some pork fillet in a BBQ sauce. It wasn’t that special – I overcooked the pork. I am particularly looking forward to a bacon and egg sandwich, but that can wait until the weekend.
Alcohol can wait too. I did consider buying some beer for tonight, but I’ve got loads on at work at the moment, and could do without an unnecessary fuzzy head.
Don’t worry, I haven’t become a Jehovah’s Witness or anything. I have booked myself a table for a celebratory pie at Piebury Corner. They serve beer. Thursday evening after work – you can come if you want.
Normal service then resumes. Pending doctor’s further advice.
And my taking notice of it.
I might do this 3 month detox again one year. It was alright.