I Watched The Corbyn Speech
Note: Originally posted on the now-defunct Exiled Tory Remoaner Scum website
Note: This post is 10 years old, and my politics have changed over time
I watched the Corbyn speech. Honestly!
Well, in a #newpolitics kind of way anyway. The Daily Politics said they expected him to speak for 30 minutes. After 35 minutes, I had finished my ironing and I had really had enough of him. I stopped and went to make some cheese on crackers. I had seen enough.
Now I quite like Jeremy Corbyn a person. He is an affable enough bloke. But then again I like almost all politicians. Yeah I’m strange – either that or the average Joe just blankets them with their lazy brush “oh they’re all the same”. I’ll leave you to decide that.
I even like Denis Skinner. He’s a total prick but he makes me laugh.

Even Nigel Farage seems a decent bloke…only joking!
So I thought I should see what Jeremy Corbyn has to offer. My conclusion is deceit, contradiction, hypocrisy and about as much #newpolitics as a presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. With the occasional decent standpoint.
He started off with some jokes. Mainly at the expense of the news media – it went down well in the conference hall. Jokes as in ha-ha jokes – not as “we are going to tackle the deficit by spending more”. Though he did also come out with that too.
Then he rolled out a long list of thank-you’s. He even thanked Ed Miliband – though the TV cameras didn’t pan to him like they did to most of the others he thanked. Has Ed Miliband actually come back from holiday in Australia or is he doing a Gordon Brown?
It really took a while to get past the Labour love-in section – most people watching that are not interested in the Labour party would have switched off by now.
The next point that I remember him talking about was how he was all about the new style of politics. He isn’t going to be nasty to anyone. He wants the cyber bullying to stop. No more trolling. That they should listen to others. And then he accused Conservatives of having no respect for human rights – although he didn’t quite repeat the gas chamber anecdotes of earlier Labour speakers, I found this pretty fucking offensive. New politics indeed.
I was actually most amused to find out afterwards that the new politics is so new that much of the speech was written in the 80’s. And I thought socialism was something that had been invented three months ago.
And then he did bring up the case of someone who is on death row in Saudi Arabia – I forget his name, and I haven’t looked into the details of the case, but at a glance, it seems a decent humanitarian cause, one that I hope he will bring up in Prime Ministers Questions, so we can ensure it has the attention of David Cameron, assuming it doesn’t already. Human rights are something we all care about (even us evil Tories) and I appreciate this being brought up.
I laughed when he quoted Italy, the great economic powerhouse, as the way forward in protecting firms such as the steel firm in Redcar that has sadly fallen on hard times (mainly due to dumping by Chinese state-owned firms and the lack of demand from China itself). He neglected to mention that only two countries in the world have had lower economic growth this century than Italy. Just two countries – think of all the possible example countries that could have lower growth than Italy – the country that Corbyn is using as an example. Remarkable.
Then there were passages about a national investment bank. Great idea if you don’t already have a whopping deficit…inherited from…Labour. He seemed to not only forget the deficit but forget what a failure Labour was with our economy.
He lied over Trident – claiming it was 25% of the defence budget when it is 5%.
Like Miliband, he failed to mention major policy areas such as immigration, the budget deficit and ISIS terrorism. I guess that is what he means by straight talking honest politics. He didn’t mention the defeat in the last election, nor did he mention the upcoming election in 2020. I have to ask, does he want to win the election in 2020?
As a Conservative, I was delighted. It was perfect. A poor, rambling speech which even with the BBCorbyn love-in won’t sway more than a handful of floating voters that he is their man. In fact, I’d expect further Labour voters to abandon ship.
But it played to the gallery, and the left-side of the Labour party will have enjoyed it – the moderates will probably mostly soldier on, amused and bemused towards several more Corbyn Conferences.
For me it increases the chance of Jeremy Corbyn being in charge in 2016. And 2017. And to an extent – 2020. And if Corbyn or one of his cronies is still in charge of the Labour party come the next election, only a Greek-style economic catastrophe would stop a Conservative majority.
It was (appropriately) Red Leicester by the way.
I will leave you with a picture of a couple of hotties next to Corbyn. Which is the only reason you visited here in the first place.