Is It A Good Election To Lose?
Note: Originally posted on the now-defunct Exiled Tory Remoaner Scum website
Note: This post is 10 years old, and my politics have changed over time
It hasn’t been a good week to be a Conservative.

There are several points which could be picked up on, and these are my favourites. Or these are possibly my socialist enemies favourites.
Firstly the rather unedifying way that it was pointed out that Ed Miliband is a backstabber and could stab the United Kingdom in the back. This is not something I want to hear prominent Conservatives saying – what I wanted to hear was the commitment to renewing our nuclear defence. Which was in there but was rather overshadowed. I’ve had enough of hearing Conservatives talk about what we can all conclude are the negatives of Ed Miliband as Prime Minister. I want positive election pledges.
Secondly a rather confusing policy about train fares being frozen. Excuse me? Why are we copying socialist failed policies? I appreciate that there is a difference – the rail operators are only allowed to increase prices at a government set percentage plus inflation, as per legislation. Energy firms are part of the private market. But it is a really bad signal to be suggesting price freezes are ok for one industry and not for others. Economic theory is reasonably proven that price controls cause supply failure in markets – Venezuela is an absolute perfect example at the moment.
There could be an argument for freezing rail prices given the large government subsidy to the railway and the monopoly position most rail companies enjoy. It is after all a totally different market due to the network inflexibilities.
One remembers the very large increases in rail fares under the Labour government. And council tax, and national insurance, and petrol taxes and Gordon’s beloved stealth taxes. Do you remember the tax?
I am also concerned that the anti-markets mood seems to be winning and gaining ground at the moment. Do we want to be like North Korea? Do we want to emulate Greece? It seems to be that many people do. Why do people think a return to the days of British Rail is a good idea? It was a disgraceful service. Yet people also seem to favour nationalising energy companies, water companies and various other industries, How has this gained ground? How has Thatcher’s revolution started to become degraded?
Where are Conservative ministers when it comes to explaining and promoting the economic theory behind market privatisation, who is promoting the benefits of free markets? Who is defending capitalism? I do worry sometimes that there is a vacuum of leadership.
And how are UK businesses going to pay to give employees 3 days off to go volunteering?!
Finally for this week, the polls.
Yes I know polls come and go but yesterday’s were fairly unedifying for a Conservative. One poll had Labour at 37% to a Conservative 31%. Two polls also had Labour ahead – two had the Conservatives ahead by a point – but unlikely to be enough to win the election – we know the electoral system is biased towards Labour as it stands.
But should I be bothered?
Whoever wins the next election is going to have a very tough 5 years.
The European Union will feature prominently next term, especially if the Conservatives win, but Labour will not be able to brush this under the carpet. It could again tear the Conservative party apart, but ignoring it could cause huge problems for Labour, especially in working class territory.
Immigration will continue to be high (until Labour’s next recession) – the NHS will need more money pouring in and there will be more problems in the health service on occasion. And housing – is anyone going to build the houses we need?
The great bear to our east under Putin will continue to prod and poke us. Who know’s what Russia’s next move is. What is the next government going to do? Who is going to stand up to Russia? Not to mention ISIS and the next wave of terrorists, whom have not formed yet. And what about if Argentine invade the Falklands? Or what if, heaven forbid, Saudi Arabia came under ISIS control?
And then of course the economy. How are we going to handle the next recession with this great big debt around our necks? Because it will come. Despite what Labour promised in the past, boom and bust has not been defeated and never will. The economy works in cycles and I will be shocked if there is no form of recession between 2018 and 2021.
But when you have a debt as large as ours and a deficit that not even the Conservatives have been able to control – who is going to be the one to make massively difficult decisions in the face of panicking markets (by the way there are already nerves in the gilts markets by the prospect of an uncertain election).
With a debt our size then privatising the NHS might have to happen. Or massive cuts to it. Or huge cuts for pensions. The economic situation is still fucking serious. We need to be running a budget surplus soon.
So maybe us Conservatives should just sit back and let Labour deal with all the problems.
Maybe it is about time they cleared some of their own mess up for a change. About time they got all of the unpopularity for making difficult decisions.
I really am sick to the back teeth of socialists lying, deceiving and denying what went wrong. Denying their involvement, nay, creation of the greatest recession in 80 years. Labour are the party of economic irresponsibility and they piss me off so much, How dare they destroy my country?
Plus many of us Conservatives are not 100% reconciled to David Cameron. He makes a decent leader and I fully support his leadership. But I do really want Boris as leader, He would be an inspirational leader. He would really take our country forward and I feel that he would be able to deliver a two-term Conservative majority. He has that common touch.
Clearly though it would be selfish to not want to finish the job of repairing Labour’s mess.
Historically the Conservatives have to pick up the pieces from Labour and recreate the country – just look at the United Kingdom prior to Margaret Thatcher – known as the sick man of Europe, and begging to the IMF for funding. Controlled by the unions instead of the elected governments. It was a shambles.
It is our job to fix the mess. To restore the pride of the country. To ensure we return as many people to employment as possible. To ensure our country has a future.
The United Kingdom needs a Conservative government,