Nearly Holiday Time
1 more working day and I have a whole week off work.
In fact, it isn’t even a proper day of work tomorrow as the afternoon is an OKR session followed by some form of beer.
I do need a week off. I’ve required a holiday for ages. This will actually be the first full week off work since I started my job in April. And the whole time that I was unemployed I was doing 5 or 6 day weeks of 9-5 studying/coding.
So effectively my first full week off since Ibiza 2016. Which wasn’t exactly restful.
I’m not exhausted, but my pzazz has gone, my physical and mental strength is lower than normal, I’m struggling even to write this blog post – the words are there somewhere but pulling them out of my brain is harder than…nope…too hard to create an analogy.
It just feels like my brain is on a lower wattage. Not at all helped by the ridiculous amount of weight I have put on since March, which is often down to me eating too much when tired.
So I’ve got a whole 9 days without any work.
More importantly, I am going to Seville. Just for 3 nights – it was all I could afford, though I was quite impressed with myself to save up that much.
Why Seville? I like Spanish women. Have I ever told you that? I am pretty much going so I can look at hot Spanish women. With the side-bonus of having a few cheap beers in the sunshine – 20’C and consistently clear blue skies are forecast which is just perfect for me.

A quick Google search leads me to understand that most women in Seville dress like this. Albeit with it only being 20’C, I am sure they will all have massive coats, hats, gloves and scarves on. My shorts are in the washing machine right now.
I’m quite interested to go on holiday by myself. Maybe I’ll get bored on my own – but I doubt it. I do, however, like to share good experiences with others. I am not especially good at introducing myself to random people, but maybe I will get talking to one or two random fat, ugly Spanish women. Los elefantes son azules.
Not entirely sure what I’ll do. I rarely plan a holiday’s contents until the day before. Ideally I won’t spend any more than £100 whilst over there, or €101. A lot of walking, a lot of sight-seeing, a fair few beers which I believe are priced around €1.75 for a pint, and some tapas.
I guess I’ll go watch some flamenco too.
Who knows. I’m just looking forward to not really having a plan. Not having to think about JavaScript. Not having to get up for work. Sunshine. Beer. Relaxing – well…