Review Of 2023 Goals
So in 2022 I managed a 61.6% success rate in terms of reaching my goals – could I beat it in 2023? Time to review and see how I did:
Lose 12kg. Well I actually lost weight in 2022. Not quite 12kg, but 6kg. Happy with that. 50% success.
Do 3 forms of exercise that are not walking. Lol, maybe in 2024. 0% success.
Get some data on my health. Well I’ve started measuring my blood pressure. 33% success.
Find out what sorting my teeth out will cost. I did send an e-mail to a private dentist but didn’t get a response – in the end I had other priorities. 0% success.
3 month detox. Boom, dry as fuck. 100% success.
One weekend off drinking every month. I only managed two weekends off after my detox ended. Not easy when you are having fun. 42% success.

Mini autumn detox. Well, I had one weekend off – then my house eviction chaos just made me stressed so fuck it. 33% success.
Only eat cake/chocolate on 48 days. By June, I was on 39 days – but somehow I actually did it. I barely ate cake/chocolate for the second half of the year, and totally stopped wanting it. And, yes, I felt better for it. 100% success.
House & Work
Buy a flat (or sack my job off and go travelling). OMG I actually did it. 100% success.
Be paid 25% more by the end of the year. I got a 4.5% pay rise. Wow. Yes, inflation was 10% at the time. And no, I sucked at interviews so the other way of getting a pay rise didn’t work either. 18% success.
Finish rebuilding my portfolio. Done! 100% success.
Finish rebuilding DJ Mix Of The Week. Also done! Nobody reads it but I don’t care – I did it to learn and improve my skills. 100% success.
Rebuild another blog. I’m almost finished having rebuilt this blog. 80% success.
Build two other sites for my portfolio. I started a couple of projects, using databases which is well outside my comfort zone – but not really got anywhere with them. 2% success.
Try 15 new JS/CSS things. I did plenty of learning but mostly not from the list of concepts that I planned. 20% success.
Erm, not sure what this heading should be
Read 4 more books than I buy. I actually did this. Not exactly life-changing. 100% success.
Reach Level 100 on Duolingo. Shortly after setting this goal, Duolingo completely changed the course structure (much for the worse) so this is hard to quantify, so I’m estimating this – my Spanish did actually help me in Gandia, where nobody spoke English. 37% success.
Have nothing on my to-do list one day. OMG. Zero was reached. 100% success.
Have 0 e-mails in my inbox one day (without deleting). I got down to 9 e-mails at one point. 0% success.
Roasts & Blogs
Blog my thoughts more. Most months I posted something. 92% success.
Oldest 10 roasts. I was doing well, then I had to move to Spain – 7 of the oldest 10 ticked off anyway. 70% success.
2 roasts dinners in other countries. I had 5 roast dinners in other countries – smashed it! 100% success.

Do London stuff once a week on average. I was more or less doing something every week on average – be it a really good restaurant or something cultural, though it slipped when I went to Spain (no shit) and then I didn’t do much in December either because NEW FLAT. 88% success.
12 different types of cultural activities. Tick! Ballet, musicals, plays, comedy, food festival, cinema, bowling, football, darts, immersive music, art exhibition – have I missed anything? 100% success.
12 excellent (or think will be) restaurants. I was doing well on this, but Spain/new flat chaos kind of stopped this. Jose Pizarro, Bargo, Napoli On The Road, L’antica De Pizzeria Michele, Butchies, Homies on Donkeys – I feel I’ve missed some actually. 75% success.
3 different new countries. Hmmm, I wasn’t very adventurous in 2023 – Malta, Spain and France were my 3 countries I visited, and only Malta was new to me. 33% success.
Leave Europe once. Nope. 0% success.
Visit two friends that don’t live in Reading/London. Yep! Cambridge, Paris and Valencia ticked these off. 100% success.

Upgrade tech. The only thing I bought was a Bang & Olufsen speaker for my travels, which is bloody lovely. 20% success.
Less than £100 food waste. I think so, but I was a tad generous when it came to throwing old stuff in my cupboard away when I moved out. 100% success.
Quite a lot of 100% ones on there – most delightfully buying a flat, but I also managed to be pretty successful in culture, roasts, blogs, coding and got a miraculous 50% score on my losing weight goal.
Overall a 56.4% success rate. 2023 felt more successful than that. I’m happy anyway…but can and must do more.