The Limbo In Spain Means I’m Mainly Avoiding The Rain – My Spanish Limbo
Well I thought I might be completing on the flat today, but c’est la vie or whatever the Spanish translation is – esta la vida? Instead I’m stuck in my Spanish limbo for a little longer.
Oh no, hot Spanish women, glorious sunshine and 21’C, you may think. And you are right.
But it hasn’t all been full of joy.
I keep having to remind myself – I’m still doing my 9-5 – I occasionally start getting carried away with excitement then have to stop myself.
Plus I was on call one week, and we were on high alert too – so it wasn’t like I could go swan around and do whatever I wanted, at least for that week.
I’ve had some fairly crap food:

I miss having 100 different types of spices/herbs, and being able to cook anything elaborate without wasting stuff.
I miss my office chair. I miss my friends and family – though I was blessed by a visit from my sister, and two other amigos. I cannot seem to find any photographs of us together, so here’s an artistic cow:

Plus it even rained – the weather was actually pretty mixed for the first two weeks, luckily nice on a weekend but other times cloudy, often windy, it even rained a couple of times. Though since then it has been proper glorious – even making it to 27’C on the Sunday gone. Though evenings are definitely not shorts weather now.
That said, the so-so weather (at first), being alone, living out of a suitcase, being stressed with work and solicitors, eating sometimes fairly crap food – did make it a bit lonely, and kind of miserable at times…though I do stress “at times”. Other times I was fucking loving it.

The Pain On The Phone Comes Mainly From Solicitors
I was kind of shocked last Friday when my solicitor suggested a completion date of this Friday, today as I write. She’s normally so cautious – the opposite of my ever-positive estate agent.
Though I never thought it more than 50/50 – I certainly didn’t dare book a flight home.
The latest is that the building management company haven’t supplied an accurate statement, though at least they apparently agree that they haven’t. That didn’t get sorted, then the seller’s removal van let him down – not sure I would have left it to the day of completion myself (I would have put stuff in storage and gone into Spanish limbo) but hey.
Plus apparently the bank didn’t release the funds in time anyway.
I’ve kind of had enough of this whole not knowing where I’m living in 3 days time thing, living out of my suitcase, but I guess life goes on – I have a new Airbnb booked until Thursday, going back to the English resort because it is half the price of Malaga and there is nowhere there that I want to eat out at, so I’ll save money that way too. Plus I loved the sunrise there. Yes, money is now tight – I thought my deposit was 10% (ie £28k) but no, it was £30k. So I’m £2k short. Oops.

That said, I’ve compensated myself by booking train tickets to Cordoba tomorrow.
The James In Spanish Limbo Heads Mainly To The England
Whatever the imperfections of living in a strange country, from a suitcase, not knowing where you’ll be in a few days – I’m very thankful I’m not in Harrow.
House-sharing was just suffocating me – my housemate was nice enough, but it was like I spent my whole time tip-toeing around, hoping she’d go out for the day (as I’m sure she hoped I’d stop working from home too). We weren’t really compatible, but I could never be bothered with raising issues as I like an easy life – likewise when she raised issues, I just complied as I could not be bothered to argue back.
Maybe I should have been an asshole instead of just tip-toeing around trying to please, but I guess that isn’t me. It was hard, though I probably made it more so psychologically than I needed to – and I’m relieved to be out. That and the strange landlord/bailiff issue. And the lack of Spanish hotties in Harrow. Met line. Hmmm Spanish women. Hmmm boobs. I should probably have ordered an escort or something. I’m not sure I’ve made the most of this opportunity to be here – like 7/10 kind of have, but I’m sure there is a way to meet people and not be lonely.

Anyway, 5 more days in my Spanish limbo – and I hope no longer. No offence, España, but I just want my own place. And my friends, my family (I’m missing out on a visit from mom and pops to London this weekend), my people, my city – my London.
I do actually miss my London life. Sunshine though…