Detox 2016
Two years ago when I did my fear-inducing virgin detox, I needed it. I had been drinking and partying almost every weekend since I was 14. I’d certainly not had any more than a week’s break from intoxicants since my early teenage years. My body needed it.
This time I don’t need the detox so much, but I want the detox. I am craving my detox. And it is for a greater variety of reasons than just my health.

I am expanding my detox this time. Firstly to 36 days – because I am 36 years old. I am also expanding the definition of unhealthy substances to include all sausage and bacon-related products. Even chorizo – stick that up your arse Mariano Rajoy. The main reason behind the lack of bacon is to challenge myself to find healthy, low calorie yet tasty breakfast options for the weekend – such as smoked salmon and eggs, for example.
My health could be improved – I am feeling tired and unhealthy at the moment. Too much beer, too much shit food, too much caffeine. The body needs a spell of sobriety and it needs a spell of healthy eating – not just 4 or 5 days a week that I usually manage (albeit not the last week or two), but 7 days a week.
I also need to do more exercise. I have started exercising more but I struggle to walk to the local shop when I have a hangover.

The mind also needs a rest. I’m not enjoying going out as much as I normally do. I actively want to spend my time reading more, watching more movies and yes, I want to get out on my bike more, to make myself less unfit.
I’m also concerned about a recent lack of progress on studying. I have a lot I want to achieve, I urgently need to focus on my portfolio, not to mention an 85 hour study backlog that I have to tackle now.
Plus I have a whole list of things that I need to do, from buying some shelves, to visiting the doctors and dentist, along with various other administrative activities that I keep putting off and it would be nice if these were banished from my mind.
Finally, I’ve overspent in recent months and want to finish the month out of overdraft for the first time since September.
With a bit of careful control, I might even have enough saved up by the end of the month for one Technic deck. If we are granted some form of annual bonus which is allegedly due tomorrow, then I might even have enough for two vinyl decks.
So, physically, mentally and financially, I want this detox. I have been looking forward to it for weeks. It starts very soon.
Manana. Maybe.