Have you ever wondered why it seems that about 99% of DJs are men? In my world it isn’t quite that percentage, at least in my perception – the art of being a good DJ is being able to understand what the crowd are looking for and being able to respond to their desires, and I don’t see why one sex would be better than the other sex at understanding a dancefloor’s desires.
I’ve never been convinced of arguments about sexism, I think it perhaps tends towards more of a confidence thing.
I have many friends who are DJs, and who I have all seen get better through the years (whilst many well-paid ones seem not to develop), and they are a mix of men and women.
I absolutely love it when any of my friends get some recognition, as lets face it, everyone and his dog seems to want to be a DJ nowadays, and ‘thanks’ to technology it seems anyone with a few hundred pound can become a DJ.
So it feels even better when someone who I know has put so much effort into it, despite having a very challenging and rewarding full-time job which I admire her greatly for, get the recognition she deserves for doing something else that she loves.
To see my friend be written about in the editorial of one of the more influential magazines in dance music and compared to someone like Nina Kraviz who for me is producing some really ground-breaking new slow kind of house music, is really quite special.
It just goes to show what can be achieved by anyone if they put in a lot of effort and dedication into following their passion, and also having a fantastic group of friends around them to support them and keep them on the right track.
I think it is a truly inspiring story that has only just begun, and one I have known about for a few years, I hope everyone can get something from this.